You have searched for barcode number 6019835330064.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

EigentümerPromotex Industrial & Chemical Co., Ltd.
ProduktnameDermocare Medicated Soap.
Produktbild6019835330064 | Dermocare Medicated Soap.
UntertitelPack of 80g cool soap.
BeschreibungDermocare Cool combines the active Dermocare protection from skin infections with menthol to make you feel cool after bath while keeping your skin smooth and healthy. It won't cause clogged pores or irritation even with regular use and over long period....
Hersteller Email-Adresse[email protected]
Herstellungsland / HerkunftslandNG
Einheitsgröße/Farbe80g medicated soap cool variant.

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