You have searched for barcode number 6019835330057.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

EigentümerPromotex Industrial & Chemical Co., Ltd.
ProduktnameDermocare Medicated Soap.
Produktbild6019835330057 | Dermocare Medicated Soap.
UntertitelCarton of 80gx72 packs.
BeschreibungDermocare Herbal is a tropcalized natural black soap that contain natural healing and anti aging components. It's strengthened with strong anti fungal and anti bacterial herbal properties that take care of most skin infections such as ringworms, eczema....
Hersteller Email-Adresse[email protected]
Herstellungsland / HerkunftslandNG
Einheitsgröße/FarbeDermocare Herbal.

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