Product Details for Barcode 745125088778
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Here is the information we hold about this product.
EAN13 UPC | 0745125088778 745125088778 |
Propriétaire | FedotovReeds |
Nom du produit | "Concertino" reeds for alto saxophone 1,5 |
Image du produit | |
Sous-titre | Alexey Fedotov |
Description | • Light response, pure sound and well balanced through all registers • The reed cut resembles the traditional French reeds (for example Vandoren Traditional) but has its own exclusive details. • 10 pieces in box, hygienically sealed in pairs |
Site Internet du fabricant | |
Adresse du fabricant | +436509608264 |
E-mail du fabricant | [email protected] |
Pays d'origine | RU |
Unité taille/couleur | 1,5 |
Lien URL | |