You have searched for barcode number 0745125157832.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

DueñoRobertshaw Controls Company
Nombre del productoResidential and Light Commercial Defrost Timers Series
Imagen del producto0745125157832 | Residential and Light Commercial Defrost Timers Series
SúbtituloDefrost Timers WV2001-59
DescripciónThe Paragon® Residential and Light Commercial Defrost Timers are a synchronous motor control that activates an internal SPDT switch to actuate a defrost heater in a refrigerator.
Sitio de web del fabricante
Direccion de Fabricante +1 956 242 6093
Correo electrónico de fabricante[email protected]
País de originUS
Tipo de monedaEUR

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