You have searched for barcode number 0745125069999.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

DueñoThe Aftercare Company
Nombre del productoMicro Aftercare
Imagen del producto0745125069999 | Micro Aftercare
SúbtituloMICRO Aftercare® is a treatment balm for use after microblading, micropigmentation.
DescripciónMICRO Aftercare® is a treatment balm for use after microblading, micropigmentation and permanent makeup procedures. It contains vegan friendly natural ingredients renowned for their nourishing and soothing skin care qualities.
Sitio de web del fabricante
Direccion de Fabricante01513553000
Correo electrónico de fabricante[email protected]
País de originUK
Tamaño o colorBox 24 x 10g
Tipo de monedaGBP
URL de hipervinículo

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