You have searched for barcode number 0745125008806.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

DueñoFantasy5/Route To Market International
Nombre del productoFantasy5 Dark Bite (Mini Pack)
SúbtituloChocolate Coated Sandwich Biscuit
DescripciónFantasy5 Dark Bite (Mini Pack) made with these ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Coco Powder, Vegetable Fat, Vanilla Powder, Starch, Lecithin, Milk Powder, Glucose Powder, Leavening Agents & Food Grade Flavor, Salt etc.
Sitio de web del fabricante
Direccion de FabricanteENA Food & Beverage Ltd, Kasho, Hobir Bari, Bhaluka, Mymensingh, +8802-9820470, Marketed by: Route To Market International Ltd, 222, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, +8801766669866.
Correo electrónico de fabricante[email protected]
País de originBD
Tamaño o color17 GM
Precio5 Taka
Tipo de monedaBDT
URL de hipervinículo

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