You have searched for barcode number 745125272269.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

EigentümerEV Expert
ProduktnameDUOSIDA charging cable TYPE 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22kW | 5 meter
Produktbild745125272269 | DUOSIDA charging cable TYPE 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22kW | 5 meter
BeschreibungProfessional AC charging cable designed for charging from Type 2 connector to Type 2 connector up to 32Amp (3x 230V/32A). Length is 5 meter.
Hersteller Webseite
Hersteller Adresse+420722689252
Hersteller Email-Adresse[email protected]
Herstellungsland / HerkunftslandCN
Einheitsgröße/Farbeblack and white

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