You have searched for barcode number 0745178939652.

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Here is the information we hold about this product.

EigentümerBrauerei Sutton
ProduktnameSutton Alcoholic Ginger Beer
Produktbild0745178939652 | Sutton Alcoholic Ginger Beer
UntertitelFlasche 33cl.
BeschreibungA dark & stormy craft alcoholic ginger beer with a mule-kick of spicy natural ginger, subtle hops & a full malty body. Fermented with premium English ale yeast. Alcoholic Ginger Beer pairs well with: Pad Thai, fish & chips, vodka & lime, kisses
Hersteller Webseite
Hersteller Adresse0792038268
Hersteller Email-Adresse[email protected]
Herstellungsland / HerkunftslandCH
Einheitsgröße/Farbe1 x 33cl Flasche
Link URL zur Produktseite

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