Product Details for Barcode 0806891559128
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Here is the information we hold about this product.
EAN13 UPC | 0806891559128 806891559128 |
Owner | Wilden herbals |
Product name | Remedium n°2 - Boost |
Product image | |
Subtitle | Wilden herbals - Tisane biologiche e biodegradabili - Astuccio con grafica |
Description | Tisana dal gusto vivace e dalle proprietà antiossidanti e immunostimolanti, gusto armonico per fornire la giusta carica energetica. Ingredienti: zenzero, citronella, alloro, arancia dolce, ginepro, curcuma, echinacea, pepe nero, sambuco. |
Manufacturer website | |
Manufacturer address | +393338425446 |
Manufacturer email | [email protected] |
Country of origin | IT |
Unit size/colour | Astuccio - 10 bustine |
Price | 9,50 |
Currency | EUR |
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