Product Details for Barcode 0745125328584
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EAN13 UPC | 0745125328584 745125328584 |
Owner | Fix Wash |
Product name | Emerald All Purpose Cleaner Fix Wash PT. Panjer Bali Jaya |
Subtitle | Emerald All Purpose Cleaner |
Description | Is a product made from a special formula to clean the interior of the vehicle, without rinse and anti-bacterial Adalah produk yang terbuat dari formula khusus untuk membersihkan interior dalam kendaraan tanpa bilas dan anti bakteri |
Manufacturer website | |
Manufacturer address | 081337400940 Jalan Tk. Pancoran IV Blok I No 12 Panjer Denpasar Bali |
Manufacturer email | [email protected] |
Country of origin | ID |
Unit size/colour | 250 ml 5000 ml Green |
Price | 45000 |
Currency | IDR |
Link url | |