Product Details for Barcode 0745125088631
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EAN13 UPC | 0745125088631 745125088631 |
Owner | FedotovReeds |
Product name | SONORE reeds for Bb Clarinet 4,5 |
Subtitle | strength 4,5 |
Description | • Full, rich sound with a great dynamic range. • Suitable for all Boehm clarinet mouthpieces. • Reed cut made with high precision • Best quality Arundo Donax cane • 10 pieces in box, hygienically sealed in pairs |
Manufacturer website | |
Manufacturer address | Distribution: +436509608264 |
Manufacturer email | [email protected] |
Country of origin | RU |
Unit size/colour | Strength: 4,5 / Art. RASFCT45 |
Link url | |